PO 2012 2nd Round : Celtics (4) vs 76ers (8)

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Ah bah ça tombe bien, Jeff Clark a pondu un papier sur le sujet Rondo !


Credit The Assist To Rajon Rondo
by Jeff Clark on May 22, 2012 9:37 PM EDT

There were some vintage moments on the Bass-Rondo hook-ups.

Game 5 might have been one of the most Rajon Rondo-ist games ever. Let me explain.

Early on in the game, Rondo was looking to get people involved but wasn't looking to score and wasn't always exerting himself as a force on the court - which as much as we don't like it, is part of the package with him.

The second half was another story
. Sure, Brandon Bass rightfully gets the lion share of attention for his career 3rd quarter performance, but as Jack Jemsek noted earlier, it was Rondo driving that locomotive down the tracks.

This is why I think this game was Rondo in a nutshell. Leading by facilitating. Inconsistent but spectacular in stretches. Completely in control but dependent upon others to finish the job.

Consider his coach duly impressed.

One of Rondo's best games? - Boston Celtics Blog - ESPN Boston

"I thought the second half was one of the best games he’s had in my opinion this year for us," said Rivers. "Because I thought it was more than just the basketball part of it. I thought his will, his leadership -- we needed it. And he gave it to us. So, in my opinion, I thought it was one of the best halves he’s had. "Whether he scored, I didn’t care what he did -- he played with a force. And he got us in our stuff. I can hear him barking at guys, demanding guys get into spots. And that’s not something he loves doing. So I told him that after the game, 'I thought that was as good of a leadership role that you’ve had with us in the playoffs.' He’s had better games, statistically, but I thought what he did was huge for us. Because, like I said, we needed somebody to lead us. I thought he did a great job with it.

The more of that we can get from Rondo the better we'll be. He's going to be up and down from game to game and quarter to quarter, but he's also going to step up more often than not. He's completely and totally unpredictable, so I won't venture any jinx-worthy predictions. I'll just say that I'm really happy he's on our team and leave it at that.

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