PO 2012 2nd Round : Celtics (4) vs 76ers (8)

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Tell Me How My Bass Tastes
by evansclinchy on May 21, 2012 11:06 PM EDT


Early this evening, prior to the Celtics' Game 5 showdown with the Philadelphia 76ers at the TD Garden, C's head coach Doc Rivers noted that without the injured Avery Bradley in the starting five, he needed someone else to step up and play a bigger role with the team's postseason fate hanging in the balance. He pinpointed Ray Allen, Mickael Pietrus and Keyon Dooling as three potential saviors.

Wrong, wrong and wrong. The Celtics found some unexpected help, but the source was none of the above.

Fulfilling Bradley's defensive role -- applying ball pressure to disrupt the Sixers' rhythm early in the shot clock -- was Rajon Rondo, who took his ball-hawking aggression to another level with his partner in crime missing. But offensively? When the Celtics needed someone to step up and knock down shots against a Sixers team that was clamping down on Paul Pierce and Kevin Garnett?

Enter Brandon Bass !!!

Considering his recent offensive malaise -- a 49.3 percent shooter for his career, he had sagged to a discouraging 43.3 percent in this postseason -- Bass seemed an unlikely hero for the Celtics tonight, to say the least. But this franchise's history is littered with unlikely playoff heroes. In this current five-year Celtic run, names like Glen Davis, Nate Robinson and Leon Powe spring readily to mind. Bass, though, might have had a better game in Game 5 tonight than any of them.

After an awkward, tentative first half in which Bass looked clueless with the ball, unsure on every touch whether to pass, shoot or merely dribble out the shot clock, he then came to life in the second. He exploded for 18 points in the third quarter alone, and he finished with 27 overall, plus six rebounds, two blocks, two steals and an assist. He was the very picture of efficiency, shooting 9-of-13 from the field and 9-of-10 from the line. He left the opposing Sixers shaking their heads, quite literally.

"Too many easy baskets," quipped Philly coach Doug Collins. "Too many dunks."

And too many mid-range jumpers, and too many layups, and too many drives to the basket where he easily drew contact and then drained two free throws. It was too much of everything from Bass. Too much for the Sixers to handle -- thus the Celtics erased a 50-47 halftime deficit and buried the Sixers in the second half, waltzing to a 101-85 victory. The first half was a little rocky for Bass, but the second was out of this world. Night and day. The differences were too numerous to count.

"The ball went in," Rivers said with a laugh. "That was one." (...)

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