All-Star WE 2012 : Orlando

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 posté par AiR1 : 
Behind a game-high 36 points (tied with LeBron), Kevin Durant took home his first All-Star Game MVP in the West’s 152-149 win over the East.

“Dream come true. Just blessed to be here,” Durant said. “They were feeding me the ball. I’m glad to be taking this back to Oklahoma City.”

KD came out firing, scoring 21 in the first half and was sitting on 34 heading to the fourth quarter. Which actually had him in the conversation for setting the all-time mark for most points in a game, held by Wilt Chamberlain with 42.

“It’s just an exciting feeling to be named an All-Star,” KD said. “But to step it up another level and win MVP is a dream come true.”

KD also saw a game-high in minutes with more than 37. All part of the plan though. Because it was obvious — Durant wanted this.

“I wasn’t surprised at all,” he said. “Me and Scotty have been talking about this for a couple of weeks.”

Said Scott Brooks: “He just comes in and does his work. He’s a tremendous kid as well as you all know. Off the court, he’s classy, he’s a special teammate. What he does doesn’t surprise me other than he did well at the Three-point Shooting Contest last night. That actually surprised me.”

Durant won the MVP with nine votes out of a possible 13. The other votes went to Kobe (three votes) and LeBron (one vote).

Also of note was Kobe Bryant setting the all-time mark for points in the All-Star Game, passing Michael Jordan. But with Durant notching 36 more to go with 49 total in the other two appearances. That’s just 186 shy of Kobe’s mark.

Said Dwyane Wade, “With KD in the league, I don’t know how long it’s going to last.”

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