Philadelphia 76ers 2011/2012

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 posté par gyom : 
Les highlights player by player du scrimmage de lundi selon

*Holiday looks as pure and comfortable at the point as anyone in the league. Granted he's not playing against another starting point, but he is fluid with the ball, has a deft handle and is showing a great amount of confidence in his vastly improved jumper.

*Andre Iguodala looked terrific, probably the best player on the floor. He didn't force any jump shots, instead mostly going hard to the basket on one or two power dribbles or filling the lanes on fastbreaks. The jumpers he did take were all in the flow and in the range of 15-20 feet.

*Elton Brand got up and down the floor better than any of the big men. One one play he missed a shot down low that led to a fastbreak. Brand recovered in time to make it down the floor and block a layup attempt.

*Lou Williams was the most consistent scorer, driving hard to the basket and making some long range bombs.

*Evan Turner made a deep two-pointer from the corner, showing off a shooting form that seems to be more fluid. It also seems as if the ball is getting out of his hands faster.

*Rookie Nik Vucevic was active, but seemed to be out of position a lot of times and took some bad shots.

*Spencer Hawes hit a couple of jumpers, which then led to him trying to dribble penetrate, for some reason. Collins quickly put an end to that and told Hawes to shoot the ball.

*Temple's Lavoy Allen grabbed three rebounds in the first minute he subbed in. He is a very strong player. He just needs to be able to learn how and when to use it.

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