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Mid-Day Report: East Still Better
by Hoopsworld

The Interconference Race: It's been awhile since we checked on the relative strengths of the conferences to each other. Back in December the East held a moderate 11-game lead in interconference games, but in light of the L.A. Lakers winning this past week in Boston and Cleveland it's worth an update.

Just as before, the Eastern Conference has seven teams over .500 (Boston, Cleveland, Orlando, Atlanta, Detroit, Miami, and Philadelphia) while the Western Conference has nine (Lakers, San Antonio, Denver, New Orleans, Portland, Houston, Dallas, Phoenix, Utah). The East has their top three teams over a winning percentage of .760, then a gap to #4 at .580. The West has the Lakers at .820, then the next five teams all between .600 and .694.

The East has just one team under .358 while the West has six teams under that percentage.

So how have teams fared in interconference play? Here's the whole list, separated by conference, with team name, overall winning percentage, and interconference record.

Eastern Conference

Boston Celtics - .792 – 12-7
Cleveland Cavaliers - .796 – 16-3
Orlando Magic - .760 – 19-5
Atlanta Hawks - .580 – 9-7
Detroit Pistons - .551 – 10-11
Miami HEAT - .540 – 12-11
Philadelphia 76ers - .520 – 10-9
Milwaukee Bucks - .463 – 10-11
New Jersey Nets - .462 – 11-9
Chicago Bulls - .431 – 12-12
New York Knicks - .420 – 9-12
Charlotte Bobcats - .392 – 10-9
Indiana Pacers - .385 – 7-12
Toronto Raptors - .358 – 6-15
Washington Wizards - .216 – 6-11
TOTAL – 159-144

Western Conference

L.A. Lakers - .820 – 16-6
San Antonio Spurs - .694 – 11-7
Denver Nuggets - .667 – 12-6
Portland Trail Blazers - .620 – 17-5
New Orleans Hornets - .612 – 11-7
Dallas Mavericks - .600 – 14-6
Houston Rockets - .596 – 11-11
Phoenix Suns - .560 – 12-9
Utah Jazz - .558 – 9-12
Minnesota Timberwolves - .340 – 8-10
Golden State Warriors - .327 – 8-15
Memphis Grizzlies - .294 – 6-12
Oklahoma City Thunder - .255 – 5-17
L.A. Clippers - .231 – 4-15
Sacramento Kings - .212 – 0-21
TOTAL – 144 – 159

So through 303 interconference games the East is winning just a tad over 52%. Cleveland has the highest winning percentage, Orlando the most interconference wins, and Portland the best interconference record in the West.

And those poor Kings… As if having a record of .212 wasn't bad enough, they are winless against their brethren in the East. And the bad news for them is they already had Washington at home and lost, 110-107 on January 21st.

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