Orlando Magic 2010/2011

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 posté par Ju : 
Je pensais qu'un nouveau topic pour Orlando avait déjà été ouvert, mais non...Bref je suis allé faire un tour sur quelques blogs (principalement Orlando Pinstriped Post, bilan complet de la saison joueur par joueur également disponible sur ce blog) pour voir les news, 2-3 petites choses:

- Gortat va travailler son shoot mi-distance cet été, dans l'optique de gagner des minutes au poste 4.

"If I can consistently shoot 17 to 18-foot jumpers then I am going to be able to play as a four man a little bit more," he said. "I don’t think there’s a problem with me playing there from a defensive standpoint. I’m pretty confident that I can defend most of the fours in the league and I definitely know the defensive rotations and the defensive schemes. But I have to improve my offensive game. I believe I have offensive game; I just have to show it."

- Evidemment après l'échec de cette année, les fans se demandent s'il ne faudrait pas bouger Lewis en 3.

Un sondage a été réalisé à ce sujet (466 votes pour l'instant):
Question: Which of the following statements best describes your attitude toward the Orlando Magic's four-around-one offense?

15% Strongly favorable; I like the idea and its execution
56% Favorable; it's a good idea, but it needs some fine-tuning
3% Indifferent; it doesn't matter what style of offense they play
18% Unfavorable; I'm not sold on it, and something might need to change
5% Strongly unfavorable; it's a bad idea, and Orlando needs to junk it immediately

Je pensais que plus de fans seraient favorables à un changement radical, apparemment ils croient encore à ce système.
Lewis en 3 c'est alléchant mais sa défense à ce poste posera plus problème qu'au poste de PF, faut pas l'oublier. Pas si simple donc.

- Pour finir, David Aldridge a interviewé Otis Smith dans la semaine, voici l'extrait tiré de son article (A lire sur nba.com ici)
Smith's Magic finished the regular season with a 59-23 record, a third straight Southeast Division title and were generally considered the hottest team in the Eastern Conference going into the playoffs. After sweeps of its first two playoff series, though, Orlando was throttled in six games by Boston in the East finals. It lost the first two games of the series at home and was down 3-0 before making a face-saving showing. Afterward, there were all kinds of howls about Dwight Howard's leadership, and Stan Van Gundy's coaching strategy and Jameer Nelson's subpar play against Rondo.

But none of it fazes Smith.

"I usually don't have a knee-jerk reaction to anything," he said Sunday, nine days after his team's season ended. "We didn't finish the way we wanted to finish. Twenty-nine teams have the same problem."

One year removed from its own Finals appearance, the core of the Magic is set for years to come: Howard in the middle, Rashard Lewis at power forward and Nelson at point guard. Smith will have to make decisions on forward Matt Barnes (who says he'll opt out of the final year of his contract), on Vince Carter (who has one fully guaranteed year remaining on his contract and a partial guarantee for the 2011-12 season -- which would make him an attractive piece to trade). Oh, and valuable bench player J.J. Redick is a restricted free agent this summer, too. But Smith is not looking to make wholesale changes.

"That doesn't make any sense to me," he said. "We're not that far away."

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