Philadelphia 76ers 2010/2011

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 posté par Philly thing : 
"Same old, same old," said Elton Brand, who had 27 points and eight rebounds. "We had the lead. We had momentum, but we couldn't get stops at opportune times and we turned it over. When you have turnovers, you don't even get attempts at the basket. It's just a killer."

"I thought we had some guys do some good things," coach Doug Collins said. "You look at the numbers and we're plus-18 points in the paint; plus-seven on second-chance points; plus-11 points on turnovers."

Collins said the Sixers don't have that go-to guy they can give the ball to and trust to make a play down the stretch.

"In the tougher games, we've found it tough sledding to get a hoop," Collins said.

"You've got to be able to close out games," said Doug Collins. "That's the essence of the NBA."
"We haven't been able to do that. It goes back to training camp, when I said my biggest concern is close games," said Collins, whose team dropped to 2-10. "We had a couple of opportunities, point-blank shots that we missed, and that was tough."

Rookie Evan Turner, who had his second NBA double-double (11 points, 12 rebounds), said he's willing to take a big shot.

"Back in college, I took 'em all, baby," Turner said. "When the ball's in your hands, you have to step up and take the shot. If you're out there scared, there's no point in playing."

Turner didn't have a field goal in a fourth quarter in which he was the only Sixer to play the entire 12 minutes. He missed his only attempt, though he made 3 of 4 free throws.

Failing to finish explains how the Sixers can lose a game in which they scored 18 more points in the paint than the 3-9 Raptors, as well as 15 more fast-break points and 11 more points off turnovers.

"What can you do?" Turner said. "There's only two ways you can go - you can fight through or you can quit. We're definitely going to fight."
"I think we are going to pay our dues and, eventually, we'll get what we deserve," Turner said.

Collins is having the Sixers practice today, which they rarely do following back-to-back games. ...

Tom Moore

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