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Don't Blame Iverson For Fan Voting
Authored by Jarrod Rudolph - January 21, 2010

Rajon Rondo should be starting in the All-Star game, clearly that is not a secret. The 23-year-old guard has cemented himself as the best point guard in the Eastern Conference. Allen Iverson, however, shouldn’t be blamed for getting voted into the All-Star game.

Iverson, an 11-time NBA All-Star, was voted in by the fans. He didn’t campaign for the spot. He never asked anyone to vote for him. The only thing the 34-year-old guard has done since arriving in Philadelphia for the second time is try to help the struggling 76ers. Things haven’t worked the way Iverson would have hoped thus far, but the team’s woes certainly aren’t his fault.

There will be many people that campaign for Iverson to step aside and allow a more deserving player to take his spot in the game – he shouldn’t, and probably won’t, think about it.

Why should he take a seat for a player that didn’t get enough votes to take his spot? As a younger player, Iverson offered to relinquish his starting spot in tribute to Michael Jordan at the 2003 All-Star game even though fellow starter Vince Carter had only played in 15 games at that point.

Iverson, like Kobe Bryant, Kevin Garnett, Tim Duncan and Shaquille O’Neal is one of the greatest players of all-time. It’s not out of the question for a player that has been so great to receive a lifetime achievement selection. In the past, players such as Jordan, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Julius Erving have been granted the same entry to the All-Star game.

It would make as much sense for Rondo to give up his spot for a legend at the end of the road, had he been voted in by the fans instead of Iverson.

The fans, in my opinion, didn’t get this one wrong.

The bigger issue, in my opinion, is that none of the players that are believed to be more deserving than Iverson have done a good enough job distinguishing themselves as the guy to unseat the 13-year veteran. Sure, Rondo is the best point guard in the East, but what is that really saying? Those young guys will need to wait their turn the same way Iverson had to wait his.

In response to the voting results many people have suggested a change in the All-Star selection process. That’s a thought, but if the process of selecting the starters in the All-Star game changes other process need to change along with it. Iverson starting over Rondo will disappoint some people, but Steve Nash having two MVP awards – one of the honors determined by media voting – while Shaquille O’Neal, Kobe Bryant and Kevin Garnett have only one apiece should disappoint everyone.

What’s much more realistic, and possible, is the worldwide acceptance that certain aspects of All-Star game are solely based on popularity; the starting lineups are the biggest example of that. Iverson is far more popular than Rondo or any of the other guards in the East. That’s not something that’s going to change until fans fully embrace Rondo or Derrick Rose or decide to reward the players that they feel deserve to play in the league’s showcase game.

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