Cleveland Cavaliers 2009/2010

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 posté par ilyas#3 : 
LeBron wants Jamison

There have been plenty of rumors swirling around lately about the Cleveland Cavaliers' pursuit of Washington Wizards forward Antawn Jamison, and today CBS Sportsline's Ken Berger has some additional information about the ongoing talks between the Cavs and Wizards. It is, indeed, LeBron James who's behind the push for Jamison. The question now seems to be what the Cavs are willing to give up to get Jamison.

It's been well documented that the Cavaliers' infatuation with Antawn Jamison has been rekindled. What's been underplayed is the reason behind it: LeBron James is the one driving the team's pursuit of Jamison, according to a source, and Cavs GM Danny Ferry – as usual – is trying to appease the King. A couple of problems: The Wizards want a young asset in return, and Zydrunas Ilgauskas – while a fit salary-wise – doesn't fit that description. The sensible piece to include in the deal would be J.J. Hickson, whom the Cavs are reluctant to give up. But if the Cavs got Jamison, what value would Hickson be to them as their fifth big man? One scenario that is believed to be under discussion would have the Cavs hoping the Wizards bought out Ilgauskas after the trade, using some cash added to the deal by Cleveland. That way, the Cavs could sign Ilgauskas back on a minimum deal, giving them the player James covets (Jamison) and a 7-foot-4 insurance policy for Shaquille O'Neal. The Wizards would have to ask themselves if getting out from under Jamison's contract and adding Hickson is enough to justify a deal that would get them under the tax next summer, but not under the cap.

Berger's sources also confirmed another rumor that been out there, which is that the Cavaliers would target Indiana's Troy Murphy as a back-up plan. There is even some interest in adding Andre Iguodala to the back court if they can't get the front court help they'd really like to have.


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