Golden State Warriors 2009/2010

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Extrait d'une ITW donnée par James Fox Assistant Coach à Davidson la team de Stephen Curry la saison passée

What kind of teammate is Stephen? Can you speak on his leadership abilities?
Steph was a leader vocally and by example. From the time he stepped on campus, Steph has always been an incredible teammate. Even with all that talent, he never showed it. If you saw our team, you would never know Steph was the future NBA lottery pick. His teammates loved to play with him and his coaches loved being around him.

How would you characterize his time @ Davidson?
Incredible. He elevated a very successful program to new heights. Davidson became a household name. He also established a new level of expectations that players here have embraced. Our players have tasted success on the national stage and are working as we speak to keep that going

What would you consider Stephen's strengths on the court?
Steph has a lot of strengths. I think some of his biggest assets are his ability to move without the ball and his overall basketball IQ. Steph is an amazing talent on top of all that.

What is the most underrated part of Stephen's game?
I think his ability to make others better. People see him as a guy with a green light. He can score. Well he earned that. He shot over 40% for his career. But, he sees the floor so well and combined with his basketball IQ, that is a potent weapon. He gets guys the ball in the right spot at the right time.
Also, he is stronger and bigger than people think.

How do you think the transition to point guard will be for Stephen?
He will be fine. He made the transition this year to the point and he handled it as well as can be expected. He proved to people that he can be a very successful point guard in the league. Steph is a very smart player. As I said before, he will be able to run a team, but he will also be able to score from the point guard spot. I really think he has all the tools to be one heck of a point guard for a long time in the NBA.

Do you envision a perfect fit in Golden State in Nellie's up and down system?
Steph has always played in this type of system. When Steph is attacking he is very difficult to stop. If you give Steph the slightest opening, he will exploit it. He will be really good in any system, but he will be most comfortable in an up tempo one.

Son ancien coach ne tarit pas d'éloges sur Curry et ne donne pas spécialement l'impression d'en rajouter..
De bonne augure tout ça notamment la capacité du rookie d'assurer au poste 1
Ce n'est donc ni le clone de Crawford, ni celui de Ellis... pourvu que ça se confirme et vivement la SL pour en juger

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