New York Knicks 2009/2010

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 posté par Nicobocker : 

July 3, 2009

Grant Hill isn't the only Lon Babby client the Knicks hope will be on their club come October. In fact, the Knicks may have found their "Almond in the Rough."



In another sign of Nate Robinson's looming exit, the Knicks signed Morris Almond, Utah's 2007 first-round pick out of Rice, to their summer-league team. According to a team source, the Knicks fully expect to sign the free agent sharpshooter for next season as long as he performs decently in Las Vegas. The summer league begins July 14.

Hill, 36, will visit the Knicks on Monday as the club looks to add a character player with leadership skills. The Knicks had no captain last season.

That both Babby clients are heavy Knicks targets is no coincidence. The Knicks would prefer to use their lower exception ($2M), but probably will have to use a portion of their $5.7M mid-level exception to get Hill for one year.

Walsh declined to comment on Hill, but said Almond is being heavily considered to be signed for next season. Walsh revealed he tried to trade for the 6-foot-6 Almond last season when Almond played just 25 games and spent time in the D-League.

"We're looking for shooting," Walsh told The Post. "We acquired some of it in the draft (Jordan Hill, Toney Douglas), but he's someone you have to look at."

Robinson is receiving interest from the Lakers, Magic and Sacramento, and his return to the Knicks is unlikely as the Knicks look for a cheaper bench option in Almond.


Dallas' expected signing of center Marcin Gortat could further Dallas' bid to ink Jason Kidd, whom a source says is taking the July 4 weekend off to mull over the Mavs and Knicks. As The Post reported, under CBA law the Knicks could -- and will -- offer Kidd a three-year, $18.2 million deal that Mark Cuban could blow out of the water.

With Memphis and Detroit out of the picture after Wednesday moves, under-the-cap Toronto emerges as a frontrunner in the David Lee Sweepstakes, possibly in a sign-and-trade. Nevertheless, the Knicks do not believe Raptors GM Bryant Colangelo will give up Chris Bosh. Toronto still feels it can re-sign Bosh. The Knicks believe the Lee saga will drag out for a while, as agent Mark Bartlestein looks to widen the field. Walsh said, "Our focus is still trying to sign him."

Nevertheless, if Bartlestein finds a taker willing to go more than $9 million per, the Knicks will be amenable to a sign-and-trade to try to get something out of it, even a draft pick.

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